Check Out Our Web Site Features!
Crime Times began publication in 1995. When all issues are seen together, they make a profound statement about the critical importance of brain malfunction as causative of disordered behavior. The evidence is overwhelming.
Thanks to the work of Dr. Steve Edelson at the Center for the Study of Autism, who has constructed our web site, the Internet edition provides an array of aids to help you locate specific information:
- A search option that allows you to search for specific words or terms on the Crime Times website (located on homepage).
- The Issue index provides links to all articles published in a specific issue.
- The Subject index, which includes an alphabetical finder at the top of the page, allows quick access to a specific subject. If you're interested in serotonin, for instance, just click on "s" at the top of the page, and
you'll quickly find at least 30 articles in which serotonin is mentioned. Each is linked to its sources.
- The Title index allows access to an article based on its heading.
- The Author index contains links for each article or quote in which a selected author or researcher is mentioned.
- The Full Page Viewing index is the newest index. It contains complete, 8-page Crime Times issues,
starting with the 2003, Vol. 9, No. 1 issue. Clicking on the link allows each of the eight pages to be viewed and/or printed. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to
access these files. Click here for a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- A list of "Related Articles" is provided at the end of an article and linked to articles previously published on the same subject.
- Email notification when a new issue of the quarterly newsletter is available will be furnished if the reader submits his/her email address to us. Click here to submit your email address.
Add to these conveniences the ability to easily print or download articles if desired, all free of charge.
The newsletter's website is receiving hits from more than 40 countries each month. Over 10,000 copies of each issue are mailed. Although we do not have sufficient staff to respond to correspondence, we greatly appreciate hearing from our readers. Your letter may be published, unless you request otherwise. Just write to: Editor, CRIME Times, Dept. 132, 1106 North Gilbert Road, Suite 2, Mesa, AZ 85203, or email CrimeT@aol.com.